A Guide to Pet Insurance for Preventative Care  

A Guide to Pet Insurance for Preventative Care

It has become common knowledge that preventative care is a basic staple to maintaining a high quality of health, whether we are discussing humans, dogs, cats, or friends of the feathered variety. Basic maintenance keeps a body healthy and catches those little problems before they turn into huge snags. With the ingenious introduction of pet insurance, the question of preventative care coverage comes to mind.

The majority of pet insurance policies available for reasonable costs have historically not covered basic health care or preventative care. However, with the growing trend of pet insurance popularity, pet insurance companies are now offering more competitive services, including preventative care. Most pet insurance companies wisely require that any animal carrying coverage receives their annual check ups and vaccinations. After all, it’s during these visits that most problems are discovered before turning into those pet health nightmares.

Just like all insurance companies, whether for humans, animals, cars, or homes, you get what you pay for. Insurance companies prefer to make money rather than lose money. Thus, all covered animals must rely on their humans to meet basic standards of payment, enrollment options, and policy requirements. This means that enrolling a 5 year old German Shepherd with hip dysplasia coverage is going to cost more out of pocket than enrolling a 2 year old cat with no health concerns.

For approximately $30 per month, reasonable pet insurance can be purchased that covers basic emergencies as well as accidents. However, for those seeking preventative care coverage, the price tag just shot up to nearly $80-$120 per month, and in most cases this buys you a discount at the veterinarian rather than full coverage for shots, exams, and other basic preventative care. For the fee of an annual vet visit and the basic veterinary care that is covered under preventative plans, most pet owners will discover they will overpay if they rely on preventative care pet health insurance.
These statistics are based on the quotes given for cats and dogs. Pet insurance is available for whatever pet you fancy provided you’re willing to pay a higher premium. Birds, ferrets, horses, and exotic pets are not covered by many pet insurance companies. Those that do offer coverage for these animals do not offer preventative care policies of any real value. However, the accident and illness pet insurance that is offered seems well worth the cost for the coverage received through most pet insurance companies.

Pet insurance is far from a racket. Although, counting on pet insurance to cover basic needs is not always a very good value, the companies that do offer it are bound to come down on their premiums over time. Preventative care is best paid out of pocket and counted on a basic responsibility of owning a pet until that time. Pet insurance is designed for emergency care, the type of care that can’t be budgeted for. Pet insurance is designed to allow a faithful human to face a serious pet illness or accident with the ability to make decisions based on what is best for their beloved pet rather than what can be financially feasible. Pet insurance companies, like all insurance companies, are not exactly altruistic but are a sound and intelligent business that provides a service in exchange for a monthly fee. There are limits on the amount of care they will pay for, however, when faced with a challenging decision, this coverage can mean the difference between life and death for some pets.



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